Tuesday 31 January 2012

Review: Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie (2012)

By: Scott Jeffrey

It is usually a good thing when a movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. With huge explosions tons of plot twists and a story that has you guessing right up to the last scene, this is one of the things that Hollywood strives for. Tim and Eric leave the viewer on the edge of their seat with another power, pure awkwardness.

I can’t say as I have felt much more uncomfortable during a film. This is certainly not one to watch with the grandparents. 
Starting out with a fairly straightforward plotline, there are elements of the Tim and Eric format, with the advertisement for a movie chair that causes 3rd degree burns before the picture. To the long windup to the film.

The plot centers around Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim who have signed a contract for a billion dollars to produce a film. After having lost track of most of the money and running up a massive production bill, they show off their masterpiece which consists of 3 minutes of usable footage. The executives are quite displeased and as part of the contract 

Tim and Eric are required to pay all of the billion dollars back.
Shedding their lavish Hollywood lifestyle and reducing expenses they are coaxed by a television advertisement to take over a failing shopping mall  in order to make back their billion dollars.

They skip town leaving the studio executives guessing where they may have headed.

From here Tim and Eric spend time revitalizing the mall and creating new friendships. Tim creates his own family as Eric falls deeply in love with a store clerk. Everything they work for is tested with the studio Executives are tipped off by a disgruntled sword store salesman played by Will Forte

That is about all I can give you plot wise. To say much more would ruin the magic this film has. You really do not know what to expect at any given moment. Although some of it is a bit groan inducing and tedious to get through, there are moments where something so shocking happens you just have to laugh out loud. 

If you are a fan of the show you are going to love this movie. Stuff that Tim and Eric could not normally bring to a television audience is paraded around on the big screen uncensored and shocking as it may be. This is a movie that will make even the strongest of stomach want to gag, the stiffest of upper lips flutter in the silly antics and have the most open minded people frowning in disgust. 

With talents such as Jeff Goldblum, Zach Galifianakis, John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell this film has plenty of star power. Many of the old Tim and Eric Awesome Show stars such as David Liebe Hart make appearances too.

Score: Shrim
Acting: Shrim
Effects: Shrim
Writing: Shrim
Directing: Shrim
Overall: Dobis/50

Take Away Thought: I would say before you pick this one up to watch, maybe to check out an episode of Tom Goes To The Mayor or Tim and Eric Awesome Show first. 10 minutes isn’t so long to sit through, I honestly don’t know what the reaction would be watching this film having not seen any of their work before. Tim and Eric have their own form and function when it comes to creating films. I am pleasantly surprised that their own brand of charm does not wear off after the 10 minute mark and that these gents could produce such a funny film. The most awkward movie experience I have had for a very long time, but also memorably funny. 

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